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A-1 Forestry Group provides quality on-site mastication and grinding for orchard removal.  

Orchard Removal & Grinding

Orchard Removal & Grinding in CA

A-1 Forestry Group orchard removal and grinding services remove trees, stumps and grind down the materials into mulch all with one piece of machinery. the left over mulch improves soil health by adding nutrients back into the ground. The traditional methods of burning the left over materials from an orchard that has been removed or pruned leave burn scars, kill microorganisms in the soil and add unnecessary pollutants into the air. The process of mulching eliminates any need for hauling off materials and hazardous buring during these dry spells. 

This process can also be applied to many other various projects including; christmas tree removal, berry crop removal, nursery stock removal or any other similar project you might have. A-1 Forestry Group can get the job done quickly and efficiently, give us a call and we will come out to give you a free estimate for any project, big or small.

A-1 Forestry Group Projects

A-1 Forestry Fuels Reduction Project with Tigercat 480B mulcher
A-1 Tree Service & Stump Removal
A-1 Forestry Fuels Reduction Project with Tigercat 480B mulcher
A-1 Tree Service & Stump Removal works with local agencies including CAL-FIRE to put in fuel breaks to prepare for fire season. Using our massive Tigercat 480B mulcher we quickly tackle wide and effective fuel breaks, and large fuel reduction projects.
A-1 Forestry Group Slash Pile Reduction Tigercat 408B Mulcher in action
A-1 Tree Service & Stump Removal
A-1 Forestry Group Slash Pile Reduction Tigercat 408B Mulcher in action
Burning massive slash piles is extremely destructive to the soil and prevents new vegetaion from growing in the burn area for years, sometimes decades. Because Slash piles are typically large and condensed into one area, they burn hotter and longer than a typical wildfire. This results in nutrient depleted soil stripped of organics, and sometimes poses water quality concerns when burns are close to bodies of water of streams. This is where we come in, using our Tigercat 480B mulcher to reduce these slash piles creates a better growing environment for new vegetation. The remaining materials put nutrients back into the soil, promoting new growth, keeping water qaulities healthy and not releasing unnecessary pollutants into the air. Our Tigercat 480B mulcher reduces slash piles with ease, and can be done year round unlike traditional burning.
A-1 Forestry Group Fire Restoration Timelapse with Tigercat 480B Mulcher
A-1 Tree Service & Stump Removal
A-1 Forestry Group Fire Restoration Timelapse with Tigercat 480B Mulcher
After a wild fire there are often many trees and brush left behind that are beyond the point of recovery. A major benefit of forestry mulching is that we can selectively choose what vegetation needs to be removed. For example, we remove any vegetetation that can not recover after a fire and leave any trees that have a good chance of survival. Traditional land clearing methods are typically applied much less selectively and don’t have the means of picking and choosing what vegetation stays or goes.
A-1 Forestry Group putting in fuel breaks with Tigercat 480B mulcher
A-1 Tree Service & Stump Removal
A-1 Forestry Group putting in fuel breaks with Tigercat 480B mulcher
A-1 Tree Service & Stump Removal works with local agencies including CAL-FIRE to put in fuel breaks to prepare for fire season. Using our massive Tigercat 480B mulcher we quickly tackle wide and effective fuel breaks, and large fuel reduction projects. Over the past several years, fuel accumulation has caused several major wildfires, showing the need for major fuel reduction projects. Although controlled burning is often the most common way to reduce fire fuels, it can be dangerous in some areas due to terrain, wind conditions and asssessablility. In this case, mastication is the best option. Using our equipment the job gets done thoroughly and efficiently, reducuing fire fuels dramatically.
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