A-1 Forestry Group provides efficient fire restoration services using mastication techniques.
Slash Reduction
A-1 Forestry Group Slash Reduction Services
Burning massive slash piles is extremely destructive to the soil and prevents new vegetation from growing in the burn area for years, sometimes decades. Because Slash piles are typically large and condensed into one area, they burn hotter and longer than a typical wildfire. This results in nutrient depleted soil stripped of organics, and sometimes poses water quality concerns when burns are close to bodies of water of streams.
Although burning slash is commonly refered to being the most economical option, with the right mulcher it can actually be a faster and cheaper process to choose mulching instead. By mulching these slash piles the remaining materials put nutrients back into the soil, promoting new growth, keeping water qaulities healthy and not releasing unnecessary pollutants into the air. Our Tigercat 480B mulcher reduces slash piles with ease, and can be done year round unlike traditional burning.
A-1 Forestry Group Projects